I think in colleges and institutes, we don't use the term “tech transfer”. We don't do any basic research. The institutions don't initiate any research. It's all demand pull. It's all industry partners and small business knocking at their doors. What that means is there's a ready market for it by virtue of where it starts.
I think where there's some work to do in the college and institute system in terms of this applied research and demand-driven research is in making sure that businesses, once they've had their problem solved, or their prototype worked through, or their new product developed, are able to scale that up from a business point of view.
I talked a bit about the support for business innovation. We talked about incubators and accelerators, and we're going to talk a lot about clusters, etc. over the next few months. We need to make sure what our members are able to do with their partners, that they are able to support the partners in making the most of that, and that the whole region is able to support them going forward.