In fact, I'll send you material through the clerk.
They have a provision there, section 115A, that deals with site blocking and it's fairly well balanced. I looked at it in detail and there is some recent case law on it. I'm trying to remember the name of the case. Again, I'll send you the information.
It requires rigorous judicial process, rule of law and fairness to the other side. The injunction can't be any longer or broader than absolutely necessary. It's a balanced proposal. The new proposal would get rid of some of the rule of law and protective aspects of it and allow the injunction to be a lot broader and a lot longer and a lot wider than necessary. It might interfere with freedom of expression and a whole bunch of stuff.
I'm not trying to keep a secret from you. I'm just saying that the current version seems to be working really well, but that's not good enough for the big record and movie companies who always want more.