Our members haven't seen much. A big problem with the CFTA, compared with a traditional international trade agreement, is that the CFTA is not an end state. An international trade agreement spells out what the agreement is, whereas the CFTA is a sort of promise of new processes and new ways to help reduce the burden.
We're a little less concerned about the exemptions. They're there; they're public. We have the ability and other stakeholders have the ability to question governments and ask why a particular exemption is there and push them to try to get rid of them.
For us, it's actually all the small regulatory differences that aren't talked about in the agreement, which are supposed to be negotiated through the Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table. That table is staffed by mid-level and senior-level officials from all governments, who have a great amount of good will, but there are all kinds of loopholes built into that exact process. This was the only way, I guess, that they could reach an agreement, but there was nothing to mandate regulatory alignment when it was being negotiated. There's nothing that mandates, to go to the example of autonomous vehicles, that new areas of regulation should be aligned. Governments can thus decide at any time that it's not in their interests to do so. The level of justification needed from any jurisdiction to say that they don't want to align is just that they believe it not to be desirable for their jurisdiction. That's a pretty low threshold: “desirable” is whatever the minister or the premier thinks it may be at a given time.
In our mind, in many ways the regulatory reconciliation table has the opportunity to be the linchpin to the deal. It can be like the old agreement on internal trade, which was negotiating a slow incremental process that isn't meeting anybody's needs, or it can be an opportunity for there to be a great deal of political will between the Prime Minister and the premiers and senior-level officials to drive for regulatory alignment.
In our mind, the best way to do this is to commit to mutual recognition. This is what Australia did in the early 1990s when Canada decided to go the route of the AIT. There's no reason that in most areas of regulation the provinces can't say, we will agree to recognize the other standards as if they were our own. after you've done that, you can then take on the long work of trying to actually harmonize some of those standards.
There are very few instances in this country in which a regulatory standard in one province would not be sufficient in another. I recognize that a trucking standard to get through the mountains in Alberta might be different from trucking standards in Saskatchewan, and there will always be legitimate health and safety reasons to have differences. The current high degree of small differences across almost every area of regulation, however, is unnecessary.
As currently constructed, we're not confident that the CFTA is going to make sufficient progress on those differences.