Bill C-21 was the Red Tape Reduction Act in the last parliament. Obviously, I strongly supported that bill.
There is a difference, though, between what Mr. Masse was referring to, in terms of regulations, and administrative compliance. The way the Red Tape Reduction Act works, at least at the federal level, is that it actually will find out how much time and energy....
For example, if it takes x amount of time by a professional to submit paperwork, it monetizes it, rather than using a straight-up one-for one substitution, whereby we would say, “Here's one new piece of paper on the books; we need to take one piece of paper out.”
Ms. Jones, can you explain whether there's a difference between British Columbia's system and the federal system, and also the American system? I'd like to hear what your views are and which one is the most desirable and effective. I imagine that two-for-one sounds better than one-for-one, but if it's simply a case that we'll shrink the font size and say we've reduced the red tape provisions, I don't think it's what business owners are looking for.