You're absolutely right that what you measure matters. Let me give you a very high-level overview.
The American one-for-one is super-narrow. Literally, less than 1% of the regulations—actually, government rules come from many other sources—are technically eligible for it, so the American one-for-one is not a recipe to follow. I know it gets a lot of attention, but it's not a recipe to follow.
The Canadian one-for-one is significantly better than the American one-for-one, but is still in our view too narrow and needs to be expanded.
B.C.'s one-for-one is the broadest one-for-one you have, because they literally look at regulatory requirements, so that such things as having to put your name on a piece of paper counts as one; if you have to have a safety committee, that counts as one. It's any kind of regulatory requirements. It's quite comprehensive and quite broad. If you want to go to something even broader than that, look at Manitoba.