First, just quickly, to echo what Laura said, think of the specific problematic regulatory measure as the symptom. It's good to treat the symptom. It's good to manage the symptom. But if you don't tackle the underlying problem, there are just going to be other symptoms to deal with in the future.
For many businesses, especially small companies, it's hard to calculate the costs—the opportunity costs. What does it cost me to spend three, four, five or six hours a week on these particular measures? I'm doing different things at the other time. These aren't large companies that can perhaps bring in an auditing firm or some other consultant to break down exactly what the cost is for them.
To your question on engaging earlier in, I think there's also some work that needs to be done around rebuilding business confidence in some of those cost-benefit analyses that happen at the front end. Too often, there's a proposal from a department, and they have a very strong idea of what they would like to do. The cost benefit seems to be built around how to justify that decision rather than trying to get honest accounting between business and other stakeholders as to what the actual cost will be, whether it's worth it, and whether the underlying assumptions around the social and other long-term benefits are worth it. One, it's difficult to calculate what those costs are, but two, there needs to be a closer relationship on the front end to actually determine what the real costs are, not just those that maybe come from some folks who haven't had experience in the industry themselves.