Well, if you were to ask me, I now have submitted two products. One got approved. One is waiting for approval. I'm in discussions with Health Canada about the fees they are charging. We haven't resolved it, so I prefer not to discuss that.
I could say, from a company that started this as a service project—because we've also supported the foundation, the centre, and we continue to support it—that we're taking a step back from doing additional ones because of the experience we have had, and the pending regulations that are proposed that will make it even more expensive. Health Canada has created a climate not to do this, versus to do it.
The pediatric population is an unmet need, but it's small. There are so many of these unmet needs that are small, and Health Canada puts on one price, really, for every product that they want to register and manage. The proposed new regulations say that if you're a small company, they will give you a fee reduction, and if you're a large company, you get nothing. What we're saying is, shouldn't it be more about how well the product sells? If somebody is going to keep something that people need in the pharma space.... We do things that people need. Don't make it so impossible for us to do things as a service.