Thank you. I'll take that question, if I may.
One of the things with the MDSAP audit was that it's a great idea. The idea is that one audit could potentially get you approvals from a quality system perspective for five different jurisdictions at the same time, thereby reducing the audit burden. However, that only works if all of the countries are really looking for that MDSAP certification.
At the moment, Canada is the only one that's insisting on an MDSAP certification. It take longer to get your certificate because the audit report has to be reviewed by five different authorities at the moment, so it's a lot of work for a company to undergo that MDSAP audit if they're really only seeing a benefit in Canada. As we've heard before, Canada is a relatively small market. If the U.S. had mandated it.... Europe still hasn't gotten to that point yet. If those markets were mandating it, then we wouldn't have had this issue, because manufacturers would have seen the benefit and been able to adopt it much more easily and readily.