Thank you.
Thanks for what I knew was going to be a great conversation.
Before we started, I said that you guys must represent a lot of our GDP. Just checking the Library of Parliament, you are four of the top ten sectors in manufacturing. You represent $37 billion of our economy among you, so the conversation we are having is really critical, as we try to build our manufacturing study, looking at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
I am going to ask if you could—not right now—provide the clerk...the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within your industries. Frankly, if you don't do well, the country doesn't do well. It is so important that you do well.
I want to build on a little bit of what Mr. Dreeshen was leading into, in terms of sharing information between sectors. I am really interested in the wood industry and what you could do to help the mining industry. When you talk about flocculants.... There are people in Guelph who are actually working on flocculants and water recovery systems in mining, or replacing petrochemicals in mining applications.
You mentioned an association that you have, or a cluster of some sort. Would there be a similar cluster, let's say, in Sudbury, where they have an advanced mining section, so that your cluster could talk to the mining cluster?