Yes, and I think you were alluding, as part of that, to small versus medium versus large. A lot of the regulations are written around the majority of the business that's being done, which is on the large scale. You have abattoirs or food processors that are very large in scale. Once you try to apply those regulations on a smaller scale, it becomes challenging just because in a large processing facility you may have someone dedicated just to compliance. You may have someone who's dedicated to different aspects.
I filled out this form to come here today, and it says that my title is “owner”. Well, I'm also the chief financial officer, the director of sales and marketing, and the health and safety officer. As a small business, you have to wear multiple hats and it becomes very challenging, especially when you get into some of these regulatory aspects. As soon as you start to dig into it, you find that you're opening up Pandora's box, because this regulation refers you to another one, and then it gets to the point where you're just trying to do it as best you can.