Well, in the case of broadband, as the minister identified, there are a number of commitments in budget 2019 that include a top-up to the connect to innovate program, a new program that will be launched, a $750-million initiative by the CRTC. There will be money available through the Infrastructure Bank of Canada. We are working to coordinate all of these initiatives and to ensure they are done collectively and based on evidence that we will all share.
One of the issues in the area of broadband is of course the mapping that's done, which uses this hexagon model. We continue to refine that. As you may be aware, there was an Auditor General report on these issues. I think we are following up and responding to some of the recommendations in there, which are to increase transparency of the mapping, to look at other tiers related to the mapping and to ensure that these hexagon models work effectively.
Lisa, do you want to add anything?