It is not at all a problem with the government; it's a problem with the educational system. Our educational system is a very traditional system. I don't even call it a system.
What is a system? If you look at a systems approach, the system, which wants to keep its character, must react to the parameters when the parameters are changing. What happened is that industry changed its behaviour 20 years ago because of economic problems. When I say it changed its behaviour, I mean that industry is not any more in the business of developing skilled personnel. They said, “It is not my business. I don't have the money to develop people; I need people ready to engineer.”
What did our educational system do? Nothing. It continued to do things in the traditional way without reflecting upon what had happened to industry. Now what we are trying to do in Polytechnics Canada is to say that since industry changed its behaviour, we have to reflect that as soon as possible. When additive manufacturing comes and Martin needs something, I have to be flexible in my curriculum and emphasize that.
This is what we are trying to do, Mr. Chairman.