Thank you. I know that the Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been with the government, or the past government, whenever it was on any trade missions and deals so that they could see what was taking place. I know that there are initiatives to try to make sure that this gets down to the local level as well, so I'm sure that everyone is working as hard as they can on that.
I was interested in the discussion on additive manufacturing that Mr. Petrak and Mr. Rayegani had spoken of. Mr. Rayegani, you mentioned that over the last 10 years there'd been a lot of co-operation as far as this is concerned. Mr. Petrak, you were saying that if we want to be effective in advanced manufacturing, we have to make sure that we've got a handle on additive manufacturing as well.
I'm wondering, Mr. Petrak, if you could talk about what smart investors would be looking for if they were to work into the additive manufacturing area. Are there things that they have to be looking at in terms of shipments across borders, moving into other types of arrangements with smaller and larger companies? What do you foresee would be the main point that would be the hook so that people would want to get involved in additive manufacturing?