The one thing I would say—and I agree with you 100%—is that they need to come here. They need to determine what their mandate was over the last number of years, where are they at in that mandate, and if they are near the end of it, what they are going to do differently going forward to have even better results, or in some cases good results where they have had bad ones.
However, I would say this. Government is a top-down organization, specifically when you have a change in government. There are mandate letters put in place that will affect those things moving forward, so I think we should go to the organizations and ask what they are planning to do.
We first must say to those who are going to be in control of those organizations what it is that we want them to do and then move on from there. We may be able to provide some great critiques on where the specific minister and staff are going, or we may just say that it all looks like we're on the right path so let's keep going. I think the most important thing is to find out from the ministers how they plan on using these agencies, because the agencies could come in and then two weeks later they could have a completely different mandate.