It's an interesting question To get a good patent, it's not necessarily easy. It's always easy to get something bad, but not necessarily good. I could maybe explain that a little bit more.
For an individual looking to get a patent, I think it's difficult for them to know where to go initially. For a large company, I'm already there, so it's a different story. My difficulty is pulling the innovation out of the woodwork, so to speak. For an individual in a small company who has not dealt with the patent agents who work in this area, it might be a bit daunting to find one and figure out what they need to do to start the process rolling when they need to start it rolling. You can do Internet research and hope for the best, but I think there's a bit of a barrier to get in that front door.
Once you're in there, your agent can help break down the problem of what you've invented and how you can get some protection for it. It's a fairly standard process of discussion and consultation to do that.
The costs associated with getting that depend on a number of factors. If it's a simple invention of a mechanical type, the prices are lower. If it's a high-tech patent, something difficult to get, the price will be higher. It also may depend on the expertise—