You're right. Many of the recommendations are monetary.
On the non-monetary side, I would say that the one you just mentioned is very important. When there are changes in government regulation and the industry is not consulted and finds out about it in a memo that's sent to the industry, it can be incredibly damaging to the industry. That's something that we need to be involved in, and when transition measures are possible, that's great.
As far as employment goes, one of the recommendations that's perhaps non-monetary is to help raise awareness that this is an industry where you can actually find a job. Many of the manufacturing sectors or manufacturing industries are not well known. In this market, it's not just about being an ébéniste. It's not just about being a carpenter. Many of these jobs in these companies are in video games. They are appealing to the youth of today, but they just don't have that perception.
We have a job to do in trying to attract people to the regions and also to attract the companies in big centres to raise awareness of what this industry is about. Perhaps that's something the government can do through its programs in raising awareness of the manufacturing benefits of jobs.