With that, too, on the opposite scale, since we're actually filling a market of risk the private sector won't deal with, why don't we fill part of the non-risk private sector and compete there? That might make them competitive overall in the other risk sector.
I don't think it's fair to.... It predates a post-war agenda for us to move on what has been developed by the people of this nation. It's not something that's just been invented out of air, so why let them off the hook for everything else?
I'll play the devil's advocate in a sense here and ask why the banks should get away with this. Why shouldn't we actually have greater risk in terms of what we can do for small and medium-size manufacturers and businesses and so forth by taking some low risk when we have the capital to step in with a better loan opportunity that could actually be a better investment for those large ones as well?
You could take the profits from that, which are guaranteed, and put them into greater risk portfolios for other people. I don't understand why we wouldn't be doing that.