So it's 400 external, 100 internal.
You break out your income statements. At least on the latest one, it is called BDC Advantage; I don't know about BDC Advisory, but it's called BDC Advantage. Over the last five years, it's gone from a loss of $11 million, to a loss of $12 million, then losses of $17 million, $24 million, $31 million.
A lot of the services that are provided are traditional consulting services. Now, in other jurisdictions, after the Enron scandal, accounting firms decided there was a conflict of interest in having someone auditing and also selling you services. It would seem to me that the same conflict of interest exists between someone offering you banking services and then at the same time trying to sell you consulting services. I'm not sure what services BDC is providing that aren't available from those 400 external consultants, who could sell themselves directly instead of having BDC as an intermediary.
I guess I'm asking whether BDC should be in this business. What would be the strong argument to say it's doing something unique for Canadian companies that is not presently available in the marketplace?