With that, is it a long-term agreement, or is it a user fee type of thing? What is the private sector partner getting out of this? I know it can depend on the agreement, but what is the best for your scenarios, or maybe they're different for each one?
We had a private sector involved in creating our parkway—leading to it—and they got caught. They actually had to dig 250 girders out of the ground, and another 250 were destroyed, for an infrastructure project. However, they did assume the risk because they were doing it illegally. It's now in the courts and so forth. It was crazy. They didn't weld them to Canadian standards. You can't make this stuff up. I only found out because at the gym I go to, some of the guys were actually pouring the welds. They were welding the welds in the cement. They actually had bottles and so forth inside of it. It was just unbelievable. At any rate, they're accountable at the end of the day in the courts.
However, what works? Is it a user fee? Is it a long-term cost association? Do they get to keep it? With the border project I'm talking about here, they're going to get to keep the border for 50 years.