Thank you for that.
Climate change is going to be the big driver of this whole thing. The one thing that wasn't in our presentation is that we've done a number of scientific things along the corridor of this road. I encourage everyone to go to the Government of the Northwest Territories website and go to transportation. There are links to the Tuktoyaktuk highway there and it will have pictures and it has all the work that has been done there.
Climate change is one of the key drivers on this thing. As I said, we've done a couple of things there. We have a number of thermistors to track all the thawing and melting of the permafrost. There are a bunch of test sections that we've done in partnership with the federal government in a culvert-type system. That's being tried out there. There are a couple of geotextile different layers of construction on different sections.
All these things are going to feed into the innovation and technology that's needed to construct more roads in northern and remote communities that are susceptible to permafrost degradation, so I think this is going to be a good test highway for innovation and stuff moving forward and how we design some of these things.