I'm very pleased to be here this afternoon to provide the committee with some perspectives from the Government of the Northwest Territories on areas where we believe the Northwest Territories can make significant contributions to the overall national objectives related to green energy, and can support economic growth and development in the knowledge-based economy.
I would like to begin by speaking about some priorities in the Northwest Territories that we believe will provide benefits for the residents of the Northwest Territories and for Canada.
The first priority is phase one of the Taltson hydroelectric expansion project. This project would see the expansion of the existing Taltson hydroelectric system in the southeast area of the Northwest Territories. The project includes a 60-megawatt expansion of the Taltson hydro site and the construction of a 200-kilometre transmission line to Saskatchewan. This project is a potential game-changer for the N.W.T. and for Canada, in increasing the availability of clean, renewable power.
By connecting NT Hydro—currently stranded—to the national energy grid through Saskatchewan, we could then help reduce the national greenhouse gas emissions by 360,000 tonnes annually over several decades. Given the expected life of the facility, that is a big step forward in achieving the national climate change priorities and in living up to the terms of the Vancouver declaration. The expansion would rely on existing water storage, with no new flooding to generate ongoing revenues. In a territory where aboriginal partnerships are part of our daily reality, this project would be built in partnership with aboriginal governments, creating economic opportunities for them and for aboriginal-owned businesses across the N.W.T.
Our second priority is innovative renewable energy solutions for remote northern communities that currently rely on expensive, carbon-intensive diesel for power. Stand-alone diesel generation is the only source of power for 25 of the Northwest Territories' 33 communities. This situation is costly from both an economic and an environmental perspective. The Government of the Northwest Territories has been advancing solutions for this issue for over a decade now. What we have today are the best and most innovative solutions for addressing diesel-generated power use in Canada's remote north. Like many of our priorities, this one involves several approaches designed to respond to the unique demands of our many communities. It includes a wind energy project in lnuvik, high-penetration solar for projects in 15 off-grid communities, and a hydro transmission line to Fort Providence.
The lnuvik wind project includes the development of up to four megawatts of wind energy and a 10-kilometre transmission line to the town of lnuvik. We estimate that this project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4,300 tonnes per year and will eliminate the need for 1.3 million litres of diesel annually in the largest diesel community in the Northwest Territories. This is a groundbreaking project that would be the first large-scale wind project north of the Arctic Circle in Canada.
The second solution includes the installation of high-penetration solar, with batteries or efficient variable speed generators, in 15 diesel-powered communities in the Northwest Territories. Batteries and variable generators are the only way to significantly decrease greenhouse gas emissions in remote communities, and can achieve diesel and greenhouse gas emission reductions of 20% to 25%, as opposed to the 2% to 4% from solar alone. We have already demonstrated the success of this approach in two High Arctic communities: Colville Lake and Aklavik. Reproducing this success in 15 additional communities in the N.W.T. would provide annual greenhouse gas reductions of 2,600 tonnes per year, would improve energy security for these communities, and would advance our national goal to reduce our reliance on diesel power generation.
The third solution is the construction of a transmission line to connect Fort Providence, one of the N.W.T.'s larger diesel communities, to the Taltson hydroelectric system. This transmission line will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4,900 tonnes per year and will permanently supply renewable power to the community.
The final priority I would like to talk about is the construction of all-weather road infrastructure for adapting to climate change impacts. As the premier indicated at the beginning of our presentation, inadequate transportation links are a challenge for N.W.T. communities. With only 33% of our land mass within 100 kilometres of an all-weather road, we are highly dependent on seasonal transportation links such as winter roads and ice roads. Climate change is greatly affecting the reliability of these links, particularly at vulnerable ice crossings.
New road corridor projects, such as the Mackenzie Valley Highway and the Slave geological access corridor, will mitigate the impacts of climate change, connect our communities to each other and to the rest of Canada, and increase the safety, reliability, and resiliency of the transportation system.
At the same time, these new links would enable new trade opportunities and economic prosperity. The Mackenzie Valley Highway corridor will connect several N.W.T. communities to the public highway system and provide reliable access to a wealth of petroleum and mineral resources. Substantial planning work has already been completed. Priority components of this project include the construction of the Bear River bridge, engineering and environmental studies for the remaining Wrigley to Norman Wells phases, and the construction of the Tulita to Normal Wells segment, including the completion of environmental assessment activities.
The Slave geological province is the site of N.W.T.'s existing diamond mines and still contains a wealth of untapped mineral potential. However, climate change has resulted in shortened operating seasons for the existing winter road servicing the region, and this has resulted in significant transportation costs and operational difficulties for mining developments. An all-weather corridor into the region would eliminate these difficulties, lowering the cost of exploration and development for industry and supporting the N.W.T. in reaching its full economic potential.
These priority areas build on innovative work that the Government of the Northwest Territories has already been doing, and I would like to take a moment to highlight a few areas that should be of interest to the committee.
First, we are very pleased that this winter we will see the completion of the Mackenzie Valley fibre link. This fibre optic line will cover more than 1,100 kilometres and bring state-of-the-art, high-speed fibre optic communication to small and remote communities along the Mackenzie Valley Highway. This will support economic development and diversification opportunities for our residents and give the Government of the Northwest Territories innovative new ways to deliver programs and services, such as health and education services, to our smaller communities.
In addition to these benefits, the Mackenzie Valley fibre link will provide high-speed connection to the Inuvik satellite station facility, supporting near real-time transfer of Canadian and international satellite data. The data received from these satellites is used for environmental monitoring, northern science, sustainable resource development, climate change, and security and surveillance, particularly for Canada's vast Arctic regions.
Natural Resources Canada, the Swedish space agency, the German space agency, the Norwegian space agency, and private companies already have dishes at the Inuvik satellite station. We expect that, over the next 20 years, the number of satellite dishes at Inuvik could increase to about 25. I'm sure you would share in our vision of Inuvik becoming a hub of research and the potential that the satellite station has, along with the fibre link project, to provide a variety of economic opportunities in the north.
As has been noted, the Northwest Territories has a particular interest in renewable energy, so for many years the GNWT has been investing millions of dollars into energy projects with a focus on displacing imported fossil fuels. The GNWT has already led efforts to reduce emissions through energy efficiency and by using low-carbon heating sources, such as wood pellets. This extends to our own assets. By 2017-18, nearly 20% of all GNWT heating for facilities like offices, schools, and health centres will be provided through the use of biomass. Overall, our electricity system is powered mainly by hydroelectricity. In an average year, over 75% of community electricity is produced using renewable hydroelectricity. The Northwest Territories is second in Canada in installed solar PV capacity per capita. In a territory that is dark for significant parts of the year, this speaks to our openness to innovation.
Speaking of innovation, I would be remiss if I did not note the work on the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk highway. This highway is 138 kilometres long and is a testament to the partnership between the federal and territorial governments and to the need to use leading-edge science and innovation to complete these types of projects. In order to complete the highway construction and protect the permafrost along the highway alignment, typical cut-and-fill techniques could not be used for this project.
These traditional construction methods cut into protective layers of surface vegetation and organics with the possible result of thawing in the permafrost below. To protect the permafrost, our design used fills only. Geotextile fabric was placed between the existing ground and the construction materials along the entire highway. The bulk of construction activities also took place during the winter months to preserve the permafrost.
Also important is that the completion of the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk highway will enable the extension of the Mackenzie Valley fibre link to Tuktoyaktuk.
Self-reliance has made northerners innovative people, and the Government of the Northwest Territories is eager to share the benefits of our innovation with Canada and the world. With the partnership of the Government of Canada, we think we can capitalize on the innovative work that we have already done to adapt to climate change, reduce the cost of living, and transition to renewable energy sources to create increased benefits for people of the Northwest Territories and help achieve national objectives.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.