You're absolutely right. Unfortunately, there are multiple valleys of death for companies as they start, grow, scale up, become export-oriented, and ultimately become true global successes.
We looked at those gaps in areas, and they face different challenges. One, as I mentioned earlier, is the challenge around acquiring talent. Too often they need a good CEO or someone who has the ability to write a business or marketing plan. That's the first challenge. Do they have access to the appropriate talent and skill sets? Do they recognize that they need that? That's one area we're focused on.
Second is patient capital and financing. We recognize that's another area that's a challenge, because they need that support to grow.
One area we're looking at proactively as a government, to be able to assist them, is procurement. The government has an opportunity to validate a lot of these companies that are starting off with new ideas, new technologies, and new solutions, and to validate those ideas, so when they go abroad they can say that they do business with Canada. That allows them to succeed internationally as well.
Those are the types of gaps we have identified.