What's at the heart of the change, in terms of the notice and access system, is relieving companies of costs by using digital conveyance for a lot of paper that otherwise has to be prepared and mailed to shareholders. That's a big win in terms of the costs of doing business.
In terms of the rollout of these changes, I think we've been quite mindful that at one level we're addressing 10% or thereabouts of the market share of incorporated entities in the country. You can also incorporate at the provincial level, so we also have an overlay of provincial securities rules with which we're seeking to maximize our alignment. We don't want to be offside by creating a whole set of other burdens or requirements. That's something we've taken quite deliberately into consideration in crafting this bill.
With respect to preparing slates for voting and in order to respond to majority voting, I think the effort required there would really just be to find candidates who will be suitable, who will actually get the majority nod to be on your board of directors. I wouldn't describe that as a cost. I think that's a win in terms of overall governance.
On the diversity policy, here we're mainly extending or broadening the option to have a broader and fuller diversity policy expressed beyond what might now be required by a securities exchange, which might be limited to gender. This allows for companies to go further, and that option will be taken up by companies as they see fit.