Mr. Chair, I think I'll just go back to the drafting concept. The word is not defined in the statute, and this was purposeful. If we were seeking a definition, I would imagine there would be many views on what would be included in that definition. I think the bill provides for a diversity of approaches in the corporate sector to address this idea. It's a long-standing matter of public debate and concern and it's what the minister addressed in his letter to the committee in saying that gender diversity is key and that our performance can be improved as a country. This is something that's already being pursued under security rules and that will proceed, and our legislation reinforces it.
I think what goes beyond that, though, where the government is showing leadership, is to allow for a diversity of approaches to encompass other ways of viewing diversity in a corporate context and having that information come forward in a way that adds to the overall richness of approaches taken in the country. We don't rule anything out, and that's why there's no definition to prescribe this or narrow it at the outset.