I think that provides you with an opportunity to pass the legislation, which is critically important. I would add a specific reporting requirement in the language. I have a proposed amendment. I think that then gives us more time to work through some of these issues with respect to diversity.
One solution, for instance, might be to define mandatory requirements around gender, but to allow for voluntary reporting around some of the other areas. I think this might be a compromise that works, because so many large corporations are federally regulated. They report on those four categories anyway. It's a competitive advantage in this current environment to show that you take diversity seriously.
Also, I believe that federally regulated corporations as well as federal contractors will report on all forms of diversity, and that will help push others forward.
My preferred state is to completely define diversity in the regulations associated with this law and to make the definition consistent with the employment equity legislation, because that is something that has been in place now for 30 years, and in my view it has produced results.