First of all, it's not necessarily my target. What I genuinely want, overall and fundamentally at the corporate level, is to see society better reflected. If you look at it, some companies have a different situation.
For example, if you're a start-up company and you're just setting up with a few people, you tend to deal with family members, originally, or your key investors. To have a target for them may not be realistic. As they continue to grow and scale up, they become a more ambitious organization, more export-oriented and global, then I would think they should have a better reflection of diversity.
The point I'm making is that I have a macro, overall target within the corporate sector. I would like to see greater representation of women, of diverse backgrounds and, generally, of people with diverse perspectives. There are no specific targets for a small business or a medium business. We don't want to create that kind of prescriptive model, but we want to be very clear that we want to see diversity practices put forward. If they don't, they must explain their position.