Yes, but let me finish. It's not simple but it's very doable. It's doable when you have leadership from the top, when there's the will in the organization, and when they look at all of their processes: their hiring processes, their promotional processes, how they are doing in terms of equitable pay among the women and the men in their organization. You just have to look at why the banks and the financial sector are moving ahead. It is because there is strong leadership there.
It is very doable. It takes strong leadership. If that leadership isn't happening, then certainly governments have a major role in giving them a push. You can start with aspirational targets, you can start with the clear message that we want increased representation of women on boards, and if it doesn't happen within the specified period that you have targeted, then you need to look at harder measures. There is no reason for it not to happen. It's in the best interests of corporate Canada.