To be effective, you need to have very specific legislation that articulates what the goal is. It would be enhanced by the addition of targets, whether they're in the legislation, or specifically stated when the legislation goes out.
Coming back to your statement about boards, I think boards are very important. The more gender representation and diversity you have on boards, the more likely you are to see that increasing and becoming a priority for the corporate leadership. Strong boards with good diversity will also ask the tough questions of their senior management in the corporations. They will ask the senior management what they are doing, because if they are not seeing it at the table....
I think that if you want to be effective, you need to have targets. You need to have measures. You need to have something that compels corporations to really look at what they're doing in terms of gender and diversity, and to be able to explain it and put it on the table, not only with their boards of directors or their shareholders but with the public at large, with Canada at large.