I'm glad this amendment is coming forth, and I don't really care what party it comes from. I'm not surprised as it's part of an accountability theme we have seen here early on, and it's one of those to which there should be no objection, hopefully. Essentially we're arguing for cash to be registered, so to speak.
We've all seen the movies where they go into banks, get the bonds, and steal all that stuff, and then they have them to cash in somewhere else. This is where we can eliminate the use of bearer shares without infringing on the people who have that capital by simply having them have it registered. That's the thing. When they go to cash them in, when they go to use them, then it simply becomes registered money in our actual system. It's as simple as that, so it doesn't infringe on those who have them in any way. Who it would infringe upon is maybe somebody who wants to use them for illicit purposes or for questionable practices. That's who it's going to infringe upon. It's those players directly.
I like this amendment. In fact, it's better than my amendment. How's that? I will be supporting this amendment.