No, it isn't information.
This is my commentary on that, my explanation. I asked that for clarification. That's why I wanted to go to another meeting, to try to get clarification as I go through the potentials of how long this is going to take. This is very germane to this bill because it is quite indicative of when we can review it. We are legislating the time frames here. We are legislating when we can actually review this bill. That's important to me, because there's a big difference between two years, three years, and five years. We need to go through the numbers here. It's 2017, and that's why I was focusing on.... I can see the time going into the summer here, because they can put closure on it. After that, it still has to go to the Senate. We're not dealing with this bill.
This bill will not take effect until September of 2017. That is when it's in the Senate, okay? It goes into the Senate. We don't know how long it will take in the Senate, but we can do a general estimate. The Senate could take a half a year on the bill. It could take whatever, but we're likely not to see.... On average, Senate bills take more than a month or two. You're going to see that probably not take effect until 2018.
I do have a question to Mr. Schaan about that because I want to find out how long the regulation process takes.