The amendment is:
That Bill C-36, in Clause 5, be amended by replacing line 19 on page 5 with the following:
Statistician, not more than 20 other members appointed
Throughout this process, one of the things that our team on this side of the aisle has been asking about has been the number of members for the committee, the reduction of the number of members, and the effects this would have on the job that's getting done. You can look at some of the witnesses and some of the information that was brought forward in terms of what was being recommended, and compare it with that of some other countries around the world. New Zealand was one that came up repeatedly. This is a country that is very small compared to Canada, and it has 20 members on its advisory committee. Obviously, we're going to a much smaller place with less diversity and fewer persons around the table. The thought on this was essentially to allow us to at least match what New Zealand has and go from there, and also to be in line with other OECD countries on this subject.