Thank you, everybody, for being here today for meeting 61 of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology.
Pursuant to Standing Order 81(4), we are reviewing the main estimates, 2017-18: votes 1 and 5 under Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; votes 1 and 5 under Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency; votes 1, 5, and 10 under Canadian Space Agency; vote 1 under Canadian Tourism Commission; vote 1 under Copyright Board; votes 1, 5, 10, L15, and L20 under Industry; votes 1 and 5 under Western Economic Diversification; votes 1 and 5 under Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec; votes 1 and 5 under Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario; votes 1, 5, and 10 under National Research Council of Canada; votes 1 and 5 under Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; votes 1 and 5 under Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council; vote 1 under Standards Council of Canada; and vote 1 under Statistics Canada, referred to the committee on Thursday, February 23, 2017.
Today we have the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science along with John Knubley, deputy minister; Kelly Gillis, associate deputy minister; and Lawrence Hanson, assistant deputy minister.
Thank you very much for attending, everybody. I'm going to pass it on to Minister Duncan for opening comments.