I hope it was a good meeting. I work really closely with Charlotte, who is the head of the Tourism Industry Association of Canada, which is also known as TIAC. The TIAC team and Destination Canada work really closely together as well. It really helps us to strengthen the tourism industry.
We recognize the importance of the U.S. market as our number one source for tourists, and that's exactly why we've expanded the marketing efforts through the connecting America program. We also know that a secure, well-functioning border is essential to that experience. When people have a good experience visiting our country, they will keep coming back, and that's why I am working closely with Minister Goodale as well. We know that 70% of international tourists come from the United States, and we don't mind seeing that number grow. Overnight trips of air travel from the U.S. have increased 17%, and we would like to see that number continue.
Pre-clearance is something that I believe is essential, not only for the tourism industry and tourists who are travelling, but also for our small and medium-sized businesses, which talk about the red tape and the burden. You are going to be able to have your goods and services pre-cleared prior to hitting the border, which means they do not have to leave your sight. I think that's a great thing.
For the tourists, the minute they are booking their travel or considering coming to visit Canada, they can start their pre-clearance process as well. It takes minutes. It's actually not very complicated. That's when they will know if they can have a really easy go at the border or if it might be a bit of a challenging time, and they can plan for that accordingly. I believe the numbers of people who are getting pre-cleared are quite high.