As you know, Minister Hajdu is really the point person on deploying some of those programs, particularly for those mid-career workers who want to leave their jobs or reduce the number of hours of work so they can go back to school. We're going to be providing them with grants, interest-free loans. Those are the tools that exist right now and that she'll be playing a leadership role in.
One of the areas we're really excited about is coding, as I mentioned before. We want to respect provincial jurisdiction. We're going to put money forward through not-for-profit organizations to provide the supply for coding-related programs. The demand does exist within our school systems, and they have the ability then to deal with those organizations and get those kinds of coding initiatives within their schools, without getting into that jurisdictional issue as well.
We have different programs in place. Those programs were announced in the budget and we'll be rolling them out. Again, this information will be available on the website as well, and the objective is to be as friendly as possible to citizens and our constituents so they can navigate these programs in a timely manner and get the answer very quickly, and also get the money they need so they can upgrade their skills.