I also want to comment on your earlier question. With the connecting Canadians program, as some of those projects are now being completed, we will be doing some case studies to see what some of those benefits are in the communities. One example was the goZoom in Renfrew that I mentioned in my opening remarks.
I agree with you. For the design of this program we focused our analysis on the gaps in communities. You're quite right in that our analysis showed that many communities across the country are far from a backbone network, which is why, through our consultations, we heard loud and clear the confirmation that where we needed to focus the new programs was on backbone networks to bring the big pipes to communities, which will facilitate and complement a continued expansion to the last-mile networks. In terms of the communication, we have an ongoing working relationship with the provinces and territories to talk about priorities and how things are going.
I'm not sure if that answers your question.