I think I may have a compromise amendment that might get to...and I'll ask that you see whether they'll review this.
I get what everybody is saying here. There are good points on all sides, but I would suggest that, for example....
I'll read it and I'll read it again a next time, just so that you get the idea. I struck out the middle part of the amendment and put “that the committee consider undertaking a review of the Investment Canada Act, including a departmental public briefing and reply from the minister”.
Let me speak to the reason. I'll be very quick in speaking to it. It is that then we actually get a review of the overall thing—and there are a couple of others that I wouldn't mind getting getting a little more information on—and then we get a reply from the minister to the committee, and then we all get a good update, with just a couple of meetings to start with, on whether or not there is more work to be done. We get all of those things accomplished together. It takes a couple of meetings, and then the committee at that time can decide where to go from there.
In this way there is no singling out, such as the Liberals are concerned about. The Conservatives have a particular one here, and I have that one, but also there are a couple of others, the telco sector, and so forth, that are leading to other stuff.
Again, I think we get a good public briefing from the departmental side and from there we see whether the minister is available to go from there. I think that would wrap things up nicely, and then we will be able to decide whether there is further interest.
I'd ask that this be treated as friendly, and if we're good with that, I'm ready to move the motion with the amendment when appropriate.