This is an interesting question, because I don't think there's actually one program that meets all these things. You have start-up companies; you have companies that are going from start-up to SME; and then of course you have the issue of going to scale. I have a quote here from a venture capitalist who says, “University and government seed funds create lands of the walking dead. They have no way to ensure follow-up funding which a company needs to grow. [It's] like going to a gunfight with a knife—you will die.”
So, that's another area of funding that's required as well.
If you want to talk about one area of funding, there is the area of my practice, which is mostly involved in start-up companies. I would like to see something along the lines of a first patent program in Quebec, or a start-up voucher program, something like what Mr. Gold mentioned, which I think Ontario is looking at.