It goes back to the theme that this is knowledge transfer instead of technology transfer, because in business, especially technology businesses, time equals money. If you can develop a product quickly and get it out into the marketplace, you'll get ahead of the competitor, because everyone is nipping at your heels.
As entrepreneurs, we don't know—I do because I'm plugged into what's happening in Waterloo, Western, Toronto, Ryerson, and a few others. In order to encourage hiring out of there, there should be a nationwide repository or database showing where clusters of technology are being developed. Obviously, the research is led by a professor or an associate professor. Those individuals who come graduating and who have been working on projects in a similar space are what I consider to be of high value to an entrepreneur, because their training has already been done in university, and they're ready to hit the ground running for whatever project, especially in areas like my software business, where we're working in artificial intelligence.