I'll take a stab at it from this direction.
Our investment strategy is based on a statistic. You can tell I'm a pretty numerical guy, but it turns out that fewer than 10% of Canadian start-ups get capital from outside of Canada. Of all the exits, 33% of the exits and 40% of the profit go to those 10%. It's a bit of a winner's bias there, but it's pretty intuitive that if you run out of money, you run out of time.
Our premise as a firm is to find really interesting Canadian technology and bring U.S. investors into our companies. The criticism we heard early on—to some extent, anyway—was, “Yeah, but now you're going to be taking our great companies, shipping them to California, and draining our talent and our knowledge”, and so on and so forth.
I have a different view, which is that the more technology we create and the better brand we create for creating technology, the more people will be attracted to us. Yes, we're going to have to shed some initially. It's almost like a good faith donation, a loss leader.
Specific to your question, I think EDC understands that. They understand that it's a global marketplace, it's a global knowledge repository, and the world is globally competitive. Jeff mentioned that the Internet enables all businesses everywhere to compete. If we don't have a global view and recognize and leverage global assets, we're going to be isolated and suffering.