First of all, all our centres are reviewed externally periodically every five years. We look very critically at the impacts and outcomes.
We have a variety of programs: the networks of centres of excellence, the business-led networks of centres of excellence, and the centres of excellence in commercialization and research. They are at different points of maturity along the innovation pipeline. We demand very different things of those three network programs.
The programs are evaluated very rigorously and they don't get a 15-year run automatically. They're reviewed at the five-year mark and they may or may not get an extension for the next five years. It's a very rigorous review with international panels. We take those evaluations very seriously.
It's not an automatic licence to continue operation. As was pointed out, AUTO21 had a very successful 15-year run, but that was dependent on performance at all of the reviews.
We do our best to ask the critical questions. I emphasize that the questions are different depending on whether it's the centre of excellence in commercialization and research or a network of centre of excellence, which is more at the front end of the innovation ecosystem.