Thank you.
I just want to add one thing, which is that the Telecommunications Act provisions permit the chief compliance and enforcement officer to have more flexibility, thanks to the tools he has at his disposal. He can have a staff member issue a request for information letter, and the party has to respond. They have no opportunity to appeal or any recourse.
CASL, and this is a good thing in some cases, has many different appeal mechanisms built into it, so that causes a lot of delay to investigations. We issue a preservation demand or a notice to produce, and the party has an opportunity to appeal to the commission, and then even to the Federal Court of Appeal. So although he has more powers at his disposal in CASL, the Telecommunications Act is more nimble and the investigations are less complex. For the most part, although they are becoming more complex with spoofing, the Telecommunications Act provisions work really well.
That's my comment. Thank you.