It's important to note that the emails in the spam reporting centre are not validated. They may be a potential violation, but they may also be incorrectly identified as a violation. The first thing we do is try to validate the complaint, if that's the main basis for the investigation. Depending on the level of information we receive from the Canadian who submitted the email, we may return to them, collect further details, and take a witness statement, things of that nature.
More broadly, we also look at collecting information from the companies in question, from email service providers, from hosting companies, from domain registrars, and from a whole suite of the people who are involved in that email from the time it's sent to the time it's received. Obviously, depending on the type of case, we also want to discuss with that business and request information from them on how they maintain their email lists, how they ensure compliance, and how they ensure they're working from a consent-based list, actioning unsubscribes, and ensuring that all the different pieces of the legislation are respected.