As I am not a lawyer or a legal drafter, I don't have the necessary expertise to tell you how we could do it. However, I can tell you that proving whether the email was written by an individual or generated by a machine seems very complicated to me.
The examples Mr. Osborne provided earlier involve situations where the legislation allows a message to be sent. If I have a personal relationship with someone, I already have the right to send them a message. If I send a message to someone to offer services to their company and not to them as a consumer, the legislation already provides an exception and gives me the right to contact them.
I have heard a number of witnesses at different meetings talk about situations where they said they did not have the right to send a message. In reality, in 80% of the mentioned cases, the legislation allows them to send messages. The issue is that the CRTC's restrictive interpretation of the legislation and the regulations makes it extremely dangerous to do so, and....