Frankly, here is what I recommend. In fact, one of the blog posts we wrote recently had the following subtitle: “Is there a marketer in the room?” That is the role I try to play. I would say that you should talk to people who are SME email marketing specialists. There are enterprises that do a lot of work in this area. Those people will be able to tell you what really needs to be done and what the practices are.
I hear a lot about theoretical cases and hypotheses in the testimony. The comments were abstract and theoretical. That is normal on the part of lawyers who are not marketing specialists, because this is not their trade and this is not what is expected of them. However, we have been doing email marketing for 20 years; some things work and others don't. We have data. I could show you graphs that show how 10 times fewer subscribers can generate twice as many clients. A good message sent to 1,000 people generates more sales than a moderately effective message sent to several thousand people.