Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to take the discussion back to the plan, but before I ask a question of Minister Bains, I'd like to make a statement.
I believe we have a very clear plan and I'm proud of our budget 2016. I'd like to cite page 110 of our plan, which clearly lays out the innovation agenda. A copy of it is available, if any of my colleagues want to follow as I am asking the questions.
This plan is strategic, it is focused, and it is based on a number of pillars.
Mr. Bain, a couple of minutes ago you touched on those pillars. It has key drivers, it has enablers, and it is backed up with strategic investments. Let me ask you, sir, whether you could circle back and cover off an overview of the plan in this framework and tell us how this framework is going to help us shape the agenda we are planning to follow over the next year and how specifically these drivers and these enablers work hand in hand to give us the growth we need.