Mr. Lewis, there's a bit of a dichotomy in some of your testimony. On the one hand you're saying it's not that hard to understand CASL and that people are making more out of it than what it is. They shouldn't be spending these millions of dollars or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, as Ms. Arsenault says, and then you swing back and say you'd also like to see the prior right of action have that big hammer hanging over a company.
If I'm a company and I could be facing $10 million in penalties and then also facing prior rights of action, I am going to spend a lot of money. Certainly if someone comes in here and says they have a solution for $695, if I've got a big organization, such as Rogers or Bell, I'm not going to implement a $695 solution. It makes no sense that something that simple will protect me against potential penalties and lawsuits can easily run into the millions. How do you balance those two positions you hold?