ATLANTIC CANADA OPPORTUNITIES AGENCY Vote 5b—Grants and contributions..........$40,584,308
(Vote 5b agreed to on division)
CANADIAN NORTHERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Vote 1b—Operating expenditures..........$313,028 Vote 5b—Contributions..........$4,537,297
(Votes 1b and 5b agreed to on division)
CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY Vote 1b—Operating expenditures..........$8,612,533 Vote 5b—Capital expenditures..........$4,200,532
(Votes 1b and 5b agreed to on division)
DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY Vote 1b—Operating expenditures..........$23,903,710 Vote 10b—Grants and contributions..........$163,305,969
(Votes 1b and 10b agreed to on division)
DEPARTMENT OF WESTERN ECONOMIC DIVERSIFICATION Vote 5b—Grants and contributions..........$11,531,673
(Vote 5b agreed to on division)
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF CANADA FOR THE REGIONS OF QUEBEC Vote 5b—Grants and contributions..........$5,000,000
(Vote 5b agreed to on division)
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA Vote 10b—Grants and contributions..........$1
(Vote 10b agreed to on division)
NATURAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL Vote 1b—Operating expenditures..........$141,000 Vote 5b—Grants..........$3,332,270
(Votes 1b and 5b agreed to on division)
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES RESEARCH COUNCIL Vote 1b—Operating expenditures..........$1,099,655
(Vote 1b agreed to on division)
STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA Vote 1b—Payments to the Council..........$1
(Vote 1b agreed to on division)
STATISTICS CANADA Vote 1b—Program expenditures..........$14,348,243
(Vote 1b agreed to on division)
Shall I report the votes to the House?