The work plan is exactly what you're mentioning. We've been looking at the mandate and the order in council. There are some specifics stated there. Under each one, we're putting in the steps that need to be taken during the coming weeks. I'm hoping we will have a work plan by the beginning of next year. I've been in this job for less than three months now. We will have a work plan with key milestones and deliverables that will say what we're going to achieve in year one, year two, and so on. This is precisely what we're working on.
It will touch on the different, broad areas that I'm mandated to look after. For example, we will look at our present system of providing advice to government and making recommendations for improvement. Another area has to do with the interactions between intramural scientists, extramural scientists, engagement with the public, and science literacy. These are the broad areas, but within each one there are some specifics that are already part of the order in council.