I appreciate the efforts to get this in front of the committee. I'm really pleased that we were able to finish the reports we were working on. We did that together. We met with the chief science adviser, and that was a productive meeting as well, so we did some good work in the meantime.
When we look at this study in relation to specific cases that are before provincial and federal courts, we don't add value at that point. Our value is in looking at the act itself to set the strategic direction and to have direction that we can give the review agencies that are tasked with working with specific cases.
Exactly a year ago today, the INDU committee was given the opportunity to review Canada's insolvency laws. It was called “Fresh Start: A Review of Canada's Insolvency Laws”. On December 12, 2016, we looked at that as a committee, and said it's a statutory review. We decided at that time that we weren't going to do the review. The next review period comes up in 2019, which will be a detailed review. It will take some solid study, as we were discussing with the potential study on copyright.
At this time, I don't see a lot of changes other than the cases before the review commission, but that will go on every year. Every year there will be some bankruptcies that get contested, and it's a question of what changes need to happen within the act. Last year, we didn't see any need for changes. All parties agreed we were just going to go ahead with the act the way it sat, so I would prefer to study it during the normal statutory review period of 2019.