Thank you.
Basically you're saying the programs that exist are all that agriculture is going to get, even though we know the vast majority of agriculture does not subscribe to those programs.
Right now, processing capacity is at a critical stage within Canada. Cargill is going to try to reopen on a limited basis on Monday and JBS in Brooks is hanging on by a thread, meaning about 70% of our cattle processing is at risk. With 22 plants now closed in the United States, the issue is even more critical in Ontario and eastern Canada. Have you seriously considered programs like the set-aside program or an enhancement to the livestock price insurance insurance program as ways to address cattle and pork processing?
You really have two choices here: Either you do something to ensure that the processing plants can remain open, or you do something for the producers themselves, because they are going to have to start euthanizing animals, which none of us wants to see when we're on the verge of a food crisis.